Top 5 Reasons Your Company’s Private Network Fails Employee Engagement

time management, time tracking, intranet, private company networks, employee engagement, employee productivity, employee efficiency
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The traditional restricted company network can sometimes have a devastating effect on employee engagement. There can be numerous reasons but yet here are the main reasons why your intranet may fail employee engagement.

Top 5 Reasons Your Company’s Private Network Fails Employee Engagement

The information in your database is out of date. This is almost always the source of numerous issues and problems. Outdated and inaccurate information create countless possibilities of mistakes that can and will compromise your projects success. Outdated information is also a major time loss and can affect your expenses. And for sure outdated information will bring your employees to repeat themselves, experience irritation, become disengaged, get frustrated and become more and more counterproductive by the minute.

  • Make specified directories and regular clean-ups for outdated information to avoid such risks.

Renewing information and publishing content is troublesome. The handful of employees entrusted with the task of renewing and publishing information in your company’s intranet can also get really frustrated with the way the system works. If content updates require them to go through multiple different channels, write countless reports, and overall lose a substantial amount of time for something that can take much less. This will create the following issue – the information will be stale, most of it outdated, employees will have trouble finding what they need when they need it, and in the end, it will slow down the work process and further aid the disengagement problem.

  • If you see your employees struggling with keeping the data updates, think of an easier way to organize and upload content on the server. And even hire helping hands or even interns.

Searching for information is hard and slow. Nothing gets more disengaging than that. If searching for information through your private company network is slow, hard and next to impossible, your employees will most definitely get angry, disengaged, and even stressed over the time issues one such problem creates. Functional searching capabilities are a must.

  • Update the search capabilities and organization of content in your private network.

Your intranet cannot keep up with the amount of employees you have and gets overcrowded, therefore slower. – If you are experiencing staff growth and regular complaints on the network connect and server’s speed, you have to consider updating your plan and servers. Employees often get bored and even irritated if the network takes too much time to react to their queries. This essentially lowers the productivity and the amount of work done during working hours.

To avoid such issues always keep your internet connection and server’s speed adequate with your current employee count.

Communication is an everyday issue. When the communication’s success depends on your intranet you have to ensure the following:

The communication tool allows

  • Fast interaction
  • Both written and verbal communication
  • Private messaging
  • File sharing

If you seek to further improve the communication between your employees and make them more into a team, which is always advisable, you can think of the following:

  • Forum
  • Chat room or group
  • Blog

Choosing the best suiting intranet option is important for employee engagement. In the digital era of today creating the optimal conditions for your team is a must. Their productivity, engagement, and efficiency depend on the way you choose to run and organize your company.

All these mentioned up are time essential. Are you sure your employees’ engagement is optimal and their productivity as good as you expected? Another tool that will increase the productivity and successful management is the time management and productivity software. Give it a go and see for yourself where improvements are needed.

Further reading:
Improve On Your Management
The New And Improved SCREENish – All You Need In One Place!
Timekeeping and Reporting Made Easy!






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