Time Tracking with Screenshots – Necessity or Abuse with Power and Authority

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The topic time tracking with screenshots is a question of present interest and it is the reason for many opened disputes nowadays. Every employee needs to understand time tracking software is the new generation software which in just several years will become a necessity in each office. Employers need a convenient way to monitor their employees and to have a clear view over the progress of the assigned projects. Time tracking software is giving them the opportunity to check the work of their remote employees which was unbelievable 10 years ago. Read more …

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Time Tracking with Screenshot – the Reason for Running Successful Business

Designed by Freepik

I needed dramatic change in the way I communicate and monitor my employees, because I wasn’t satisfied by the results my company accomplished. I had higher goals and I needed to find out which my most productive employees are, and which of them are just wasting my time and money. Time tracking with screenshots was the innovative software I was hoping for! In less than a month I witnessed the progress in the working process. Read more …

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