Time Tracking with Screenshots – What to Expect

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Every person knows time is money but how many people nowadays really value their time? It turns out huge percent of people who claim they value their time prove the opposite with every action they make. They spend 2 or 3 hours a day on Facebook or Twitter, they cannot focus on the work and find excuses why they haven’t finished the assigned project on time. Things got different when they are told they have to use time tracking with screenshots from now on. Knowing that your employer will check the screenshots of your working hours, makes you think what websites you are going to visit when you are supposed to be working.Read more …

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How Time Tracking Improved the Work of My Remote Employees

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I am extremely satisfied with the results I accomplished with time tracking with screenshots. Since I started using this software I felt less stressed from managing my employees remotely. I had a clear view of everyone’s work. For the first time I really discovered which members of my team are not producing as much as they have to, and which one are making more from the company than I have excepted. I was really surprised to discover that some of the employees, who I trust the most, are not so dedicated to working on the projects. Also, I rewarded the ones that deserve it. Read more …

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Best Tips How to Hire Remote Employees

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When you have not met your employee and maintain the business relationship only through emails, it is extremely difficult to get to know the person. It takes much more time to build mutual trust in this employer-employee relationship. Moreover, finding the right person takes time because you cannot make the right evaluation of the person from distance. However, time tracking with screenshots software makes the whole process of finding and working with distant employees less complicated. Read more …

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