Key principles to effective management of outsourced projects

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To foster a good relationship between your company and future/current investors, the company has to follow the code of an open, honest and fair politics. Communicating with your outsourced project partners needs to be professional. Ensuring no miscommunications will happen when giving out clear instructions which require the keeping of a recorded documentation of the whole project, as well as daily reports on the project status.

♦ Creating a communication structure that best aids the project management is essential when working with an outsourced company and teams. Hence, both parties must assign a person or group of people responsible for the communication between the two companies, and select a single most efficient method to do that. The united communication strategy will help in the work process related to the project for it has to be responsible for the careful planning and execution of all related tasks also using uniform software and standardized programs and techniques to ensure the desired quality of output.

◊ Using outsourcing solutions in the right time for the right reasons and in the best way is also a key factor and prime principle.  The company has to consider which factors are beneficial from the usage of the outsourcing service and create their strategy based on those factors, utilizing the chosen outsourced team. Typical reasons company search for an outsourcing solution for their projects are – cost-reduce, deadlines, lack of necessary experience/technologies/equipment. Therefore, when outsourcing companies should first calculate their available finances and if the Management can handle a remote team. Outsourcing sometimes requires the sharing of confidential data, ideas and techniques, so companies have also to consider what are they willing to share and will it be sufficient for the project completion.

♦The necessary steps in the creation of a strategy when using outsourcing, include:

1. The creation of a plan for the whole project and which activities are to be outsourced. The dividing of the work properly among the in-house and the outsourced employees is a vital step for the project execution. Since timing is everything, for the project to be completed in the estimated time window, applying a time management schedule for the tasks of all employees (remote or not) is essential.
2. Regular monitoring of the work process in order to avoid destabilization of the workflow and crucial mistakes due to mishandling and miscommunication between the responsible parties. Routine checkups of the project status and daily keeping of documentation that is connected to both sides of the project are fundamental to the proper distribution of funds. Thus, using a better organization system and a time tracking software with screenshots and activity levels will help in properly delegating and monitoring both staffs and circumvent any obstacles.

◊ Yet another best outsourcing practice is the usage of a maximal effectiveness. In other words to use the outsourcing strategy the best way to renovate and progress the business idea in a competitive way. Outsourcing can help to maximize the company’s performance if there is quality communication between the partners.

Constant communication, verification, and feedback exchange are pivotal when outsourcing. The best practices from the outsourcing solutions are available only then when the management is applied accordingly.

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