What is the Most Common Time Tracking Problem?

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Although there are so many benefits of time tracking, managers find it difficult to persuade their employees use time tracking software. After some period of time, they just give up trying and use the old, not so efficient methods for monitoring the employees. Recent researches have shown that over 87% of businesses have problems to introduce time tracking software in their work. The reason for this failure is lack of experience and knowledge how to use properly this new software. In most cases, the employees are just told that from now on they have to use time tracking system, without receiving explanation how to use the software properly. It is crucial for the employees to know that this software has many positive aspects, and is created to help them in their work. They have to understand time tracking is a way to organize your work better and to be more productive. The biggest mistake of employers is that they don’t explain the employees all that necessary information. As a result, employees believe this software invades their personal life.Read more …

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The Stress Factor – Why It Makes You More Productive?

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Many people associate time tracking software with too much stress they just cannot handle. The feeling you are being monitored makes you nervous, especially if you are using time tracking with screenshots. However, let’s think for a second what are you paid for? You are paid for the completion of a project. You are paid to do your job. If you were at your employer’s place, you wouldn’t accept any excuses why the employee has not met the deadline for the project when he had enough time to work on it. You wouldn’t want to pay the employee for visiting social media sites and sending messages to his girlfriend. Read more …

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Being a Freelancer and Staying Sane

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30 years ago the world was completely different! And that’s not just an ordinary expression – that’s the reality. The WWW (World Wide Web) did not exist. Everyone has to go to work to make some money. Now we are a part of generation which can sit on the desk at home, in front of the PC and run his life. You can work as a freelancer, get paid, and use the money to order goods that will arrive straight to your address. You can order food that will be delivered to you and you can pay your bills while you are still in pajamas. You don’t have to waste hours, being stuck in a traffic jam on your way to work. You don’t have to leave your children with the nanny because you have to go to work. Now, you can allow yourself to be almost superman.Read more …

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