Where Is Your Profit??

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Are you sure your company’s income is safe? Can you bet your employees do their best? When was the last time your project brought you highest profit? It is never too late to grow big and high. The answer to your worries is simple.

If you carefully inspect your business, you will find that lost time costs you more than you ever thought. Every day your employees use work time for their personal needs, this way making the work process slow. This at the end of the day not only affects the successful completion of your projects but also affects the profit you get. To avoid this time and money loss, you must get better time management system.​

SCREENish can offer you the easiest to work with time tracking software on the market. The intuitively built application is your biggest friend when it comes to management. Now you can save time and money when working on your projects and drop your expenses with more than 30%.
The project time management software will give you the opportunity to eliminate all unnecessary loss with its easy to operate with employee work tracking app. Now you can cut down your employee’s irrelevant working hours and stimulate them not to lose company time and resources with our computer tracking software. You can review their task progress, activity, time sheets and payrolls presented to you on our website. You can create and assign projects to your workers, setting their weekly limits, and using our accounting option you can even calculate their payment for all the approved working hours. All the information you can possibly want is gathered and displayed in few well-built pages, ready for you to review.
Using the time tracking app will give you the power to control the work process and lead your employees the best profitable way. It will help you manage the time of all your workforce and projects, thus winning the respect and loyalty of your partners and customers.  With better time management system you will never again worry about deadlines. You will be able to increase your company’s profit and win the dedication of your employees.
You can see all the benefits we can offer you at our page and choose the best plan to help you increase your profit and successfully finish all your projects. SCREENish – because it is simple. 

Check out our introduction video and find out the answer to the ultimate question “Where did my money go?”:

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