Time Management: Recovering from an Unproductive Day

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Everyone has had unproductive days in his life, even in spite of a thorough accounting of time via time tracking with screenshots and assimilation of all the rules of time management. Some unexpected business is getting out of the way and everything goes wrong. Or maybe your physical condition has simply worsened. However, worst of all, then it is difficult to enter the old rhythm. Here are a few recommendations that will help you get on track and work productively:Read more …

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Time Monitoring or How to be Effective in a Multitasking Environment

Designed by Freepik

When a person is busy with one task during the day, it is much easier for him to adjust his work and rest regime, and also to monitor time. However, most people in the modern world exist in multitasking conditions, and modern technologies, which seem to be designed to simplify work and life, make the mode of multitasking round-the-clock. Under such conditions, time monitoring becomes more difficult. Today there are time tracking with screenshots systems that facilitate the task of both individual time management and corporate. But to reduce the number of distractions and “failures” in their own work will help a few more recommendations:Read more …

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