Analysis of Working Time or Lessons of Time Management

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Time tracking with screenshots quite often show that the working day of some employees is wasted: something or someone is constantly distracting. In this case, individual time management skills will help, because the need to take into account and analyze working time is not in doubt when it requires high efficiency. And such skills are necessary for both the employee and the employer.

A lot of resources go in vain when we try to be multitasking or focus on insignificant details. Here are some recommendations that cam help you to be much more productive.Read more …

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5 Time Management Tips That Will Change Your Life

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Do you ever stay in the workplace at least once a week for more than 1 hour? Often you can not choose which task should be performed at the moment? Has it ever happened that in your department 5 people have difficulty doing work with which 3 or less people cope in a similar department? Is it true that your subordinates are always in a hurry, rush, fuss, but still do not have time? Read more …

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