Time Monitoring or How to be Effective in a Multitasking Environment

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When a person is busy with one task during the day, it is much easier for him to adjust his work and rest regime, and also to monitor time. However, most people in the modern world exist in multitasking conditions, and modern technologies, which seem to be designed to simplify work and life, make the mode of multitasking round-the-clock. Under such conditions, time monitoring becomes more difficult. Today there are time tracking with screenshots systems that facilitate the task of both individual time management and corporate. But to reduce the number of distractions and “failures” in their own work will help a few more recommendations:

Begin your work with the most difficult task of all. For many successful people, the only way to accomplish important and complex tasks is to tackle these matters from the very early hours of the morning, until they are disturbed by telephones, mail and other means of communication. It is easier to monitor time, when you had time to gather your thoughts at the beginning of the day calmly consider important tasks and do the most difficult without distractions.

Break the big task into subtasks. There are big tasks that are at one’s own scale at a dead end, so it’s unclear from which end to take it. Break up a large project into subtasks. In order not to break the dead time, use time tracking with screenshots and track for how long each step is executed. Clear deadlines and individual goals for each subtask will help to execute the project on time and maintain a stable motivation.

Fully concentrate. If you try to do several things at the same time: checking mail and listening to your colleagues, means lowering your productivity. Although at first glance it may seem that you do so much more. Any business can be performed faster and better, if you do not get distracted by other tasks and keep a clear time monitoring.

Be able to postpone business. Especially it concerns electronic messages. First, select the time (1-1.5 hours) for the solution of the scheduled tasks, and then proceed with the parsing of the mail. Such a strategy will help the boss show that he is not ready to respond instantly to any message and does not expect it from employees.

Keep records. Many experts in the field of time management, planning and time monitoring recommend writing down ideas that came unexpectedly, but are valuable. Do not rely too much on your own memory, as they say, even a dull pencil is better than the most acute memory.

Take breaks. In pursuit of high productivity, a person forgets about rest and change of activities. In order to have “time for yourself”, you have to clearly plan your work and life. Arrange breaks every two hours of work, and then the growth of productivity will not keep you waiting. Monitoring time will not allow you to miss another break, thereby maintaining your effectiveness.

It is better not to postpone those tasks, the solution of which will take no more than five minutes. Having executed them at once, you will not accumulate small tasks like a snowball, and all the more, do not forget to fulfill them. 5-7 minute breaks every 2 hours of work will support your productivity during the day, but do not get carried away, and do not delay the rest, and then it will be difficult enough again to return to work.

Accurate planning, breakdown of the project into stages, time tracking with screenshots, constant monitoring of intermediate results – all this will simplify the work on a big task, as well as help forecast the development of events and move systematically towards the goal.

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