Time Tracking with Screenshots: Help Your Employees Find Additional Time

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Leaders and subordinates are constantly looking for additional reserves of time. But where can you get them? How to free up some time so that it remains for important business? Controlling the work of the employee does not let them relax, especially if they are line managers of departments and divisions. Because often it happens that their valuable time is spent on routine work.

So how can you improve the productivity of managers? We need to rid them of all minor cases, so that only important and serious tasks remain that require their high qualifications and skills. Of course, in the pursuit of total control over the work of employees, the manager can get carried away and start downloading managers on the principle of “not being idle for nothing”.

A recent study convincingly proved that professional managers about 41% of their working hours performed work that does not require their knowledge, skills and qualifications. So why not pass it on to others? After all, this is not beneficial to anyone: neither to the manager, nor to his subordinates (because errors in management affect directly on the team), nor the organization as a whole. If such a problem is revealed in the course of monitoring the work of employees, then it is easiest to transfer this “secondary” work to ordinary workers. But it turned out to be not so simple.

As researchers have found out, often managers cling to routine matters in order to feel themselves needed and show top management that the work is on the limit of strength and capabilities. In turn, the authorities do not mind downloading more line managers.

Which exit? To work was more productive, you need to carefully study what it takes time. Select only those goals and tasks that are important for the position of the manager and the organization as a whole. And the rest should either be transferred to subordinates, or completely discarded. If you approach this case deliberately, you can release about 8 working hours, which is a full-time job. Devoting this time to working with his team or department, the manager can significantly increase real financial performance. How it happened with the leaders who took part in the experiment.

How in the course of monitoring the work of employees to detect such a loss of time? You can, of course, conduct various tests, surveys for managers, trying to identify weaknesses. But it’s more convenient and easier to use time tracking with screenshots to monitor the work of employees. Time tracking with screenshots allows you to identify not only the productive and unproductive time of work of staff, but also non-core expenditures. This is just those segments of the working day, when employees do not do their job, but others’ duties. But for managerial positions the cost of such “non-core” time is much more expensive than for ordinary workers. Why is it in the control of the work of employees and is of particular importance, because it is a matter of significant financial losses. By installing SCREENish time tracking with screenshots, you will always be able to identify this non-obvious cause of staff inefficiency.

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