How Sitting In Front Of the PC Influences Your Health

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Continuous work in front of a computer requires tense thinking, looking at the monitor and sitting in a specific position, all for a long time. Standing in front of a computer requires the focusing of the monitor, which is at a static distance. The problem comes from the fact that one’s natural behavior is to look at a variety of objects at any distance, which, in turn, keeps the motor muscles of the eyes. On the other hand, there is another problem that in order to move our eyes more often, we need to be distracted by programming. It is advisable and even obligatory for freelancers on every one and a half hours to take a break from the computer for fifteen minutes.Read more …

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Essential Reasons Why You Should Use Time Tracking with Screenshots

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When several distant employees are working on different projects, it is difficult for managers and employers to fully control the process of work of each individual employee. The basic reason why you need to introduce time tracking with screenshots in your business is because of the easier monitoring of the employees. You will know how many of your employees are working on their projects right now. Also, you can see how much time every employee has worked during the day. A lot of phone calls can be replaced by accurate accountability of time, helping the businesses and employees to grow simultaneously.Read more …

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