Take a Close Look at the Process of Work of Your Distant Employees

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Do you really want to know which the most trustworthy employees of your team are? I am pretty sure you do! Keeping an eye on the process of work is essential when you have to meet deadlines and you have assigned the project to a new employee. You don’t want to ruin your reputation because your distant employee has not finished the project on time! You need to be informed about the progress of the project. If you don’t know how fast your new employee works, you will feel frustrated all the time. Read more …

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Basic Rules Every Freelance Article Writer Has to Know

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First, if you want to be a better writer, you have to become more passionate reader. The number of books you read definitely will influence the way you write. You will learn new interesting facts and ways to express yourself. Reading is also great for imagination! You will be probably surprised that most people around the world don’t read even one book per year. A recent research has shown that people don’t remember the name of the last book they have read. It was really long ago. Nowadays, people don’t invest money on books and it is a pity! If you don’t love reading, don’t waste your time and efforts to become a freelance article writer! If you think that is an easy job and everyone can do it – well, you are wrong! Read more …

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