A little over a hundred years ago, engineer Frederick Taylor stood behind the factory workers with a stopwatch and began to measure how much time they spent on routine operations. Soon it became clear that they could be “optimized” – to increase productivity through the system of scientific organization of labor. It is from it that modern mass production has grown. But could the then workers imagine that their great-grandchildren will be able to measure their productivity not on the orders of the capitalist, but on their own initiative? Modern workers of intellectual work have to plan their activities independently, and Taylor’s stopwatch is replaced by special programs for recording working – time tracking with screenshots.Read more …
Are your employee(s) working both on salаry and hourly rates? If the answer is “Yes”, then most likely you already have problems calculating payrolls for both of them. You always have to manually update hours and this could be a time taking operation if you happen to have too many employees. When you are working with more than 10-20 employees, calculating payrolls is a really stressful activity. And the last thing you want to have in your life and work is more stress! You need to take some measures and do it quickly! Because time is money and you cannot afford wasting your time in unnecessary calculations.Read more …
It is traditionally believed that the central computer that the accountant gives metaphorically is this timely reporting, properly calculated and paid taxes and no claims from the tax authorities.Read more …