Time Tracking with Salary Option – Your Problems Calculating Payrolls Solved!

Are your employee(s) working both on salаry and hourly rates? If the answer is “Yes”, then most likely you already have problems calculating payrolls for both of them. You always have to manually update hours and this could be a time taking operation if you happen to have too many employees. When you are working with more than 10-20 employees, calculating payrolls is a really stressful activity. And the last thing you want to have in your life and work is more stress! You need to take some measures and do it quickly! Because time is money and you cannot afford wasting your time in unnecessary calculations.
We know this and we already have a solution for you! No more manual fixing of time and prices! So .. how this helpful method works?
Imagine you have an employee on a fixed monthly salary – let’s say $2000. To be able to earn this money your employee will have to cover at least minimum of 40 hrs weekly, 4 weeks per month. How did you cover this so far?
Most likely you did setup a weekly limit, something like 40 hrs and perhaps a price of approximately $ 12.50 per hour (this will give you roughly $2000 per month). This method could work, but it has two serious problems:
1. Sometimes employees go out, forgetting to switch off their timers, so they end up finishing their limit long before Friday has come!
2. The month does not really contain exactly 4 weeks and if you use payroll reports you will have to manually correct the number of hours so the accounting could agree with the xls table you provide to them.
Not anymore! We present to you the SCREENish salary option for your employees! Probably you are curious to know how it works – it is really easy!
1. You will have to create a Monthly automated report type “Payrolls” from our accounting page. It may sound complicated, but everything you need to do is to select employees you wish to have into this report and the projects you wish to have it for. Then you click “Subscribe Monthly Report” and everything is done. You will get every month this report, containing all options you predefined few moments ago.
2. After you have done Step 1, you can go to Users page and to setup a Salary option for the employee you wish to have it applied for.
SCREENish will start monitoring these employees and when generate the Monthly Subscription report it will never return for this employee higher payroll than the monthly salary you predefined for him, even if he has worked more than 4×40 hrs this month. However, if your man did work less than this amount – it will write down the exact amount fair to be paid to him.
So what you say? Nice!
You can read about technical part of the process from HERE.