Dangerous Employees: 7 Types of Employees who need to be monitored

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Personnel control is one of the most important functions of management. Different types of workers require a different approach to control: the responsible employee sets his own working goals and does not require constant supervision by his superiors. But such people are few. More often, employees go to work “because it is necessary” and here the control of the personnel is vital.

According to experts, all employees who need control can be divided into 7 types:

1. Temporaries. For such employees, your company is only a place where you can not wait out the best period in life. They are not aimed at the result, they are ready to take, but not to give, and they need to monitored with employee time tracking app in order to learn how focused they are on work.

What to do? Implement employee time tracking in the organization. It will show whether an employee is working or is just waiting for work day to end. You can also look at a resume or work record book: temporary employees often change jobs and, as a rule, fall in love with “beautiful” posts.

2. The average. Employees of this category will be only happy to control personnel in the organization. They do not make independent decisions, do not go to conflicts and try to be “good” for everyone. Silence failures, loudly talk about success, and do not take risks, even if they promise the profits of the organization.

What to do? Recognize at the interview stage. Whether the candidate is happy with the employee time tracking in the organization, consider several characteristic cases, talk about the reasons for switching to another job – the average worker, and here he will shift responsibility to past colleagues, and not analyze the situation.

3. Chatterboxes. It’s not for nothing that such workers are called “a find for a spy.” Employee time tracking with such employees is simply necessary; otherwise insider information can easily fall into the wrong hands. The chatterers do not realize that they can disclose a commercial secret to a competitor; they like to embellish and show off.

What to do? Monitor employee records in social networks, conduct educational conversations, emphasize that outsiders can not be told.

4. Accountants. Some workers work on the principle of “I am underestimated, I will work without straining.” They are convinced that the payment of their labor is too low, they do not sabotage the tasks, but they do not fulfill them in a qualitative way.

What to do? It requires employee time tracking app: the head can not constantly monitor the employee, but in another way it is very difficult to catch him red-handed.

5. Poor and unhappy. Constant complaints are a way of life for these workers. They are the most tired, they have the most difficult work, the bosses do not appreciate, the colleagues do not understand. Such workers constantly make mistakes and justify them with illnesses, lack of help, what colleagues have failed, and so on.

What to do? To prevent the failure of deadlines – implement the control of personnel in the company. This will help to build a clear plan and visually see the dynamics of the activities of such employees. Including, the statistics can become the reason for dismissal of the worker.

6. One for all! At first glance, such an employee seems to be indispensable: a lot of tasks, solutions and works are “tied” on him. But in fact, such employees do not think about the development of the company, but about closing all the work on themselves.

What to do? Give the employee students, trainees, deputy. Under the “sauce” of transferring experience you will prepare a replacement for him, for an emergency.

7. The Siddlers – one of the most common types of employees and those with whom the control of personnel is vital. These workers – give the company only their time, while doing personal affairs. These employees are always happy to talk, smoke, while usually disciplined. The control of the personnel from the point of view of discipline here will not help. It is important to analyze the work, compare the results with similar positions in partner companies.

What to do? Implement the control of personnel in the organization, inform employees about it, abolish all fixed salaries and “tie” up salaries on the implementation of the plan or other performance indicators.


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