Return the Sense of Time: Time Management for Procrastinators

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This post will be interesting to those who are experiencing problems with time, which are closely related to increased anxiety and concentration of attention. This is a text about those and for those who break the deadlines, and is experiencing difficulties with time, concentration of attention and heightened anxiety precisely when the organization, concentration and ability to withstand tension is most necessary, that is, at work and in school.

In this post I will talk about modern technologies created to help people with learning disabilities. Many of them are designed for children and adults with attention deficit disorder. Possessing a good potential, they are the people who are most often in a group of high-risk “overwhelm” important life and educational projects.

It’s about mobile applications to control the time, like time tracking with screenshots which I found from personal experience are incredibly helpful for organizing your day and work, sticking to deadlines and of course, making more money. Developments in this area can be useful to serial procrastinators and students.

The best aspect of time tracking with screenshots is that you have your projects organized in the best possible way. You have something like a plan or a table where you can see all the important information – how much money you are making for each project, how much time you have tracked on every project, how many projects (total) you have, etc. There is a simple rule that those people who were able to achieve recognition and success in life – are constantly planning. Daily planning is necessary to improve your efficiency throughout the day. Constantly plan specific assignments in a notebook!

When you work with a compiled list of scheduled tasks – you immediately increase the productivity of your time by 25%. If you are not using time tracking with screenshots, there is a great chance to miss the deadline for some of your projects, especially if you are working on 4 or more projects at the same time for different employers.

Work with time tracking with screenshots throughout the day: as soon as a new task appears – include it in the list given its priority compared to previously recorded cases.

Once you successfully cope with a specific task, mark the project as finished! +

Thus, you will be satisfied with the work done, and also be proud of yourself that you have not wasted your time!

Important time management advice is to concentrate from beginning to end on one task. The more and faster you will perform several tasks at the same time – the worse you do them. Never go to a new task until you completely do the old one!

Time tracking with screenshots will help you be focused on the specific task. Knowing your employer will check the screenshots before approving them and paying for the time recorded, is a great stimulus for working on the project only, without getting distracted from checking your Facebook account for instance.

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