Why Do I Need to Take into Account the Use of Working Time?

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Time tracking with screenshots, video cameras, monitoring of correspondence, recording of telephone conversations- all these are ways by which the employer can monitor employees. Naturally, not all employees are pleased with such close attention to their work activities, as many monitoring tools violate the boundaries of personal space. However, time tracking with screenshots allows the manager to receive objective and accurate information about the work activity of employees, without violating their rights.Read more …

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5 Time Management Tips That Will Change Your Life

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Do you ever stay in the workplace at least once a week for more than 1 hour? Often you can not choose which task should be performed at the moment? Has it ever happened that in your department 5 people have difficulty doing work with which 3 or less people cope in a similar department? Is it true that your subordinates are always in a hurry, rush, fuss, but still do not have time? Read more …

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