Save Money With Accurate Time Tracking Software! Best UpWork Alternative!

Save Money With Accurate Time Tracking Software! Best UpWork Alternative!
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Time tracking with screenshots is a revolutionary method, which will completely change the management system of your business. It will positively affect all your projects, by helping you organize, and monitor the workflow of your employees. Moreover, time tracking saves you money.

Time tracking with screenshots will level the efficiency of your employees’ work process. It allows you to easily manage even from a distance all the work they are doing. The online time tracking system is a solution that will simplify the recording of working hours and is much more effective than the outdated paper method. The cloud-based timesheet app will record the exact working hours, without a delay. This software will  significantly improve the accounting of your business.

When you use time tracking with screenshots, you will never have to pay extra hours entirely on trust, for you will only pay the recorded time and have a complete visual over the work that has been done during it. It is 100% more accurate and saves you the time you would usually spend calculating and double-checking the wages of your employees. Not only it is better for the environment (no trees were chopped in the making of this software), but also cost-friendly. You will not have to waste time and money on fixing the recorded working hours since it is a human error free timesheet.

Time tracking with screenshots greatly facilitates your work with remote employees. Time and distance barriers will no longer be an obstacle. It takes just a click for your remote employees to start recording their working hours, and they are simultaneously uploaded into the system, which you can inspect at any given time. If needed to, you can even arrange an employee to work from home, when this is necessary for any reason.

The time tracking software will help your employees maintain concentration while they work. Once they know their hours are recorded, they will use them as intended, and increase their time management abilities, and elevate their performance. This is a great opportunity to spot who are your most responsible and talented employees.

When you use a time tracking software you will no longer have legal issues as a result of inaccurate working hours. You can forget about the penalties for the errors in employee payment and taxes. And the best part – there will be no disputes over the working hours of your employees. Their time spent on the job is recorded not only as minutes, but there is a physical proof, a screenshot of their work and their level of activity.

When you use time tracking with screenshots you also decrease the risks of work-related issues that can affect your project’s integrity or will cause you to struggle with the turnaround time. Once you start using time tracking you will be able to not only spot errors, but you will also be able to create efficient schedules and strategies for your projects, based on accurate time windows.

Furthermore, time tracking reduces the stress. Employees will know their working hours do not go in vain and they are paid for what they do. Everyone can easily maintain their schedule and there will be no health or stress-related problems, due to the common fear of deadlines.

The tranquility that comes from the usage of time tracking software will enhance the work environment’ organization and your employee’s engagement. With appropriate team time management, your business will be twice as more effective and without budget problems of over or underpayment, failed projects due to timing, stress and health issues.

Now that you know this, why don’t you give it a try? Register here for 10 days free trial, no credit card info required.


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