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Once you decide it is time for your business to Outsource, you will have to research for the best Outsourcing destinations and Management strategies. Outsourcing is not as risky as it was 10 years ago when active remote management was not available. Nowadays you can easily manage your Outsourced team using software, and not rely solely on a physically present Team Manager.
According to The Forbes, by 2015 the best outsourcing destinations are India, Philippines, Russia, China, Canada, Mexico, Ireland yet over the last years Bulgaria and other Balkan countries, as well as Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia, have proved to be resourceful ones. Read more …
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If your business have been scoring high for a while and you need some extra hands on deck, it is the time you think through your alternatives. Question is, what kind of an employee are you looking for? Is it a full or part timer in-house? Or the job can be done from a distance and a freelancer should do? On what basis should you determine whether you need a freelancer or an in-house worker?Read more …
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The raising of the UpWork fees up to 20% Freelancers and Employers all over the world are quickly diving in rage. Complaints about the new pricing of the freelance market giant UpWork are currently flooding the web. Many freelancers all over the world are shaken by the news UpWork will eat up their earnings. The most common question now is what will freelancers and employers do to keep the stability of the market.Read more …