Today it is usual for a website to have a live chat connection with the web site visitors. What you need to understand if you are going to use live chat for your website business is how your customer service representatives should behave when they are using the live chat.
Dealing with customer complaints and appraisals should not be neglected, but used instead. The customer positive or negative feedback about your product or service can be used to actually improve your company’s business on operational and production level. When dealing with the feedback of your customers it is critical to be able to respond to it, use it and understand it.Read more …
Improving your employees’ working hours is necessary if you want to improve their performance and service. The whole idea is not making their working hours impossible but the opposite – organized, easy to manipulate and enough to make the job done. The productivity is dependent as much on their personal skills as on the way you control the work process and your management over it. Optimizing and recalculatingRead more …