5 Time Management Tips That Will Change Your Life

Do you ever stay in the workplace at least once a week for more than 1 hour? Often you can not choose which task should be performed at the moment? Has it ever happened that in your department 5 people have difficulty doing work with which 3 or less people cope in a similar department? Is it true that your subordinates are always in a hurry, rush, fuss, but still do not have time?
If the answers to the above questions are mostly “Yes”, then it is high time to study the time management and put in order your working day, and at the same time normalize the work of the department as a whole.
Nowadays, time management has ceased to be a “trendy” direction and turned into a useful direction, in a direction without which no company can work fruitfully. According to the international research each person spends in vain more than a third of their time (about 78 days a year) and, of course, not only personal time but also working time is wasted.
People who are little familiar with time management and time tracking with screenshots are sometimes opposed to its study and implementation in the company. They think that with the “arrival” of time tracking with screenshots they will have to take their lives under strict control. In their opinion, time tracking with screenshots requires perfect control over every minute of the working day of employees. After all, the more order – the higher the results.
In fact, it is not to be afraid of time tracking with screenshots: this is not a punishment for bad work, but rather a “humanitarian aid”, thanks to which it will be easier to live. Time tracking with screenshots combined with productive time management is the key to running successful business.
The first method of time management is careful planning. The main purpose of planning is to reduce the amount of time a person spends on work and, accordingly, to free up as many hours as possible.
It is recommended to plan in 2 stages. First, you should make a list of the cases that need to be performed, and then determine the priority of each. Prioritization is the most difficult and important stage of planning.
The second important technique of time management is the ability to communicate correctly with others. This can include the ability to delegate their authority at the right time, and the ability to deny employees and subordinates, and the ability to restrain you not try to persuade people in anything.
The third important technique is the ability to perform unpleasant things. You should start the performance of unpleasant duties in the morning. If you do this, it is possible to engage in pleasant activity till the end of the day. Moreover, you can feel satisfaction with yourself and thereby “include” enthusiasm for the rest of the day. Another benefit is that you can achieve good results in work: because an unpleasant business can be very important and its failure to perform or untimely performance is fraught with bad consequences.
Another important technique of time management is the ability to correctly work with information. In our society it is considered that the more information we own, the more ideas we can realize. But this is not entirely true: information is different. It is very important to filter out the information on quality and not load the head with information that will not be useful later or that do not carry anything useful.
The fifth method of time management is the ability to alternate work with rest. Do you think that the more you work, the higher the results will be? Think again! The more you work, the more you get tired, and accordingly, the fewer correct decisions your brain can give out. And the more wrong decisions – the worse the result.
All these methods are important, but personal comfort is much more important. So, if one of the techniques does not suit you, you need to adjust it to yourself.