Have you ever been on a diet? If you have, you probably know that you have to track your calories and pay attention on what you eat. You were probably surprised how many extra calories you are taking every day. When you are suffering from lack of time, you need to track what are the activities that literally “eat” your time. In this article you will find out why time tracking with screenshots is so powerful tool for finishing more work in less time!Read more …
Category: Personal development
Skill and ability improvement, qualities and techniques
Although time tracking with screenshots has many advantages, some employers don’t want to use the option of checking screenshots. They find that making screenshots on every 10 minutes is distractive and unnecessary option. This is just an opinion of some employers who don’t see the benefits of checking the screenshots. They don’t want to waste time to check whether the employee is actually working on the assigned project or not. For that reason, those employers are searching for a way to prevent the time tracking software to make screenshots on every 10 minutes.Read more …
You might thing your start-up has a genius core of action and work, but probably, it looks like a common small family-run business and it operates as a traditional college-boy first attempt to establish a company. Yes, it’s great that you were brave enough to start your own business and to make this start-up reality. But, no, don’t expect it to exist and grow by itself. For God sake, you need to do a lot to make it happen: to see your start-up successful and progressing. And before that, it might be good for you to find out why today’s start-ups fail:Read more …