In the work of each leader, arises the question of optimizing certain processes in the enterprise. The components of each process: time, resources, result. Sooner or later, the need to take into account the working time comes to the fore. And programs that are created precisely for employee time tracking can seriously simplify the task.Read more …
Category: Productivity
Employee productivity tracking, productivity hacks and tips
In our modern society, running a successful business is closely related to using the right tools for employee time tracking. The greatest advantage of employee time tracking app is having full control over your employees and all the projects your employees are working on. You will have a clear view which of your employees are the most productive and most dedicated to their work, and specifically – to you. If you wish your business to grow, you need to have full control over your money. That’s what SCREENish is designed for.Read more …
Personnel control is one of the most important functions of management. Different types of workers require a different approach to control: the responsible employee sets his own working goals and does not require constant supervision by his superiors. But such people are few. More often, employees go to work “because it is necessary” and here the control of the personnel is vital.Read more …