Monitoring of Working Hours with Screenshots: Need or Excessive Power?
The ethical use of time management programs and a real opportunity to find out what employees are doing for computers have become the objects of heated debate. It is now generally accepted that it is absolutely necessary for every employer to control the work process in the company. Therefore, time tracking with screenshots can be extremely useful for you.
The Ethics and Benefits of Time Tracking with Screenshots
As for the ethical issue, in fact, there are two sides to the coin. On the one hand, employees do not like being watched. On the other hand, the employer pays for staff time and wants to be sure that his subordinates are engaged in their direct duties. Therefore, the use of the time tracking with screenshots is an ideal solution. Monitoring of working hours
However, monitoring working hours is not just control. It provides a number of opportunities to help staff become more productive, forcing them to be responsible for every minute of their time and, thus, to focus on their priority tasks. Also, monitoring makes the work processes in the company more visible, showing bottlenecks that take too much time. It very well helps to track the work time of remote employees or freelancers, eliminating payment problems.
Time tracking with screenshots: how does it work?
It is very important for executives of some companies or departments to keep track of the workflow in detail. There are times when it is not enough just to know how much time an employee spends on a particular project. Then the screenshot function, which is, for example, in the program SCREENish, will be very handy.
In fact, the program makes screenshots automatically at certain intervals and stores in the cloud. That is, you can access the pictures anytime, anywhere. This is very convenient and allows you to view all the pictures in a row.
More careful monitoring of workers’ activities
Often, time tracking with screenshots is hostile, because it is “too much”. However, this is a great way to get a more vivid picture of what the employee is doing at this particular moment. Many freelancers consider such a feature an advantage, because it allows them to provide visible evidence that they did not portray activity on the computer, but did work.
In addition, screenshots help the project manager understand at what stage of the task each team member is located. This makes it possible to better coordinate the work and ensure the timely completion of the project. This is especially useful when freelancers or people from different branches of the company work on one particular project. Screenshots help to see the dynamics and do not distract team members from performing tasks.
If your company needs a deep analysis of the activities of its employees, you can entrust this task to SCREENish TimeTracker.