Boost Your Office Productivity in 5 Simple Steps
Whether you are an experienced manager, who’s trying to increase even more the productivity in the office he’s in charge at, or you are a newbie in managing freelancers, there are some smart solutions you can try from tomorrow. Below, you will see a simple 5-step plan that will help you to boost the office productivity without firing someone or loading your toughest workers with new chores and tasks. Instead, both: your team your boss will be happy with the final organization you will offer. Here is what to imply in the working process and conditions, dear managers:
Increase numbers and duration of a break
We know what you are thinking right now…But it’s not about what you are thinking, it’s about what your team is going to think about your decision in this case. Don’t forget that it’s the workers, who are driving you to the final result. Researches show that managers, who tend to make a working day more pleasant eventually receives happier and twice more motivated workers. Plus – it’s how you are going to keep the best in the team.
Put your time management task at the pedestal
Time is money and the more you waste it, the worst your office performance gets. Time tracking with screenshots is a good idea to solve your biggest office organization and working schedule problems. Don’t present your idea to the team directly, because they might feel controlled. Better, tell them you are about to modernize the office working conditions and time and attendance software is one of them.
Consider multitasking
It’s a new tendency in higher office productivity plans and according to the experts, workers, who learn to embrace more responsibilities, eventually become faster in their work. Multitasking is not about putting a worker of yours for more chores, but about cutting the big chore into several small one, so he can eventually learn to solve them at once.
Minimize the friendly zone and keep things professional
It’s good to be friendly, but it’s truly bad to be a friend of any of your workers. Try to keep a distance that can be shortened only twice per year – at the Christmas party and during the annual team building event. The rest is about work and you know what happens if two friends decide to make business or to work together.
Rock the clock
It’s not about staying in the office till the project is done, but to settle a deadline that is both: realistic and possible for the entire team. Discuss the deadline with the rest of the involved workers and work in a team. Here is where time and attendance software might help for the organization, too, and your team might even start liking it, when seeing how big benefits it has.
Test this 5-step simple plan to boost your office productivity right away! The results are guaranteed.