5 Things You Should Know About GPS Time Tracking If It’s Your First Time Working With It

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GPS time tracking is a type of professional software that lets you establish an admissible control over your workers – both, remote workers and ordinary presence (including hourly-based) workers. The idea is to know where and how a worker is performing during each single moment of a working day. The benefits for the employer are numerous, but employees should appreciate the GPS time tracking idea positively, too. Argues can be avoided, their freedom range can be legally and strictly settled, work can be in a better organization. But to those employers, who have never faced this type of a control over the team, it might be a little bit weird in the beginning. This is why we thought the following 5 things are quite good for you to keep in mind as a start of your GPS-controlled monitoring style of management:Read more …

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How to Transform Your Home into a Productive Workplace

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If you are one of the millions freelancers around the world, then you need to learn some simple tips how to create the best environment for work at home. Nowadays more and more people reject the old stereotype that you need actually to go to work to make some money. What better way to make that money from your cozy sweet home. No more mornings when you are stuck in the traffic jam, no more early waking because your workplace is an hour or two away from your home. Fifteen or twenty years ago that picture would be nothing more than a dream but now we live in that dream! Everything’s real and you can shop and work from home.

However, being a freelancer has its drawbacks as well. People who have to travel to their workplace would say freelancers are just complaining and won’t understand our problem. In fact, most people who work remotely can’t divide their time in time for work and time for pleasure. Because when you work from home, it’s like you are living at your workplace. If you have been out with friends and have come home at 2 a.m., you may immediately sit at the desk and start writing or working on the assigned project. The feeling that you have not worked enough for the day is constantly following you, not leaving you to take a rest.

It’s true that freelancers are workaholics. We start, make a cup of coffee and sit on the desk to work. We may spend the whole day in front of the laptop. We won’t notice how the day has gone without moving away from the desk. The best way to establish the boundaries between work and home is to work from a special room, dedicated for your home office. If you live in a tiny apartment and you cannot afford the luxury of extra room for office, you need at least to buy a desk and place it in your living room. While you work, don’t switch on the TV because you’ll be distracted and will have to invest more time to finish the same work.

Installing time tracking software on your PC or laptop will be the miracle you need! It will let you know how much time exactly you have worked on the specific project. That way at the end of the day, you won’t have the feeling you have not worked enough. You can check how much time during the day you have devoted on the specific project. If you decide to work 5 or 6 hours a day, once you see you have spent this time on the project, you can have a rest. Go out with friends or have fun! You may go jogging or go on a picnic. There are so many options for you, when you know you are done for the day with the work.

Besides time tracking software for creating productive workplace, you need to install proper lighting. It is the best if there is enough natural light in the room. However, if there is not, lighting that doesn’t irritate your eyes is extremely important. Improper lighting may cause headaches, fatigue or red eyes symptom.

We hope these simple tips have helped you create the most effective working environment in your home. Being a freelancer has many advantages, you need just to optimize your time and your place of work!

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