The 5 Exercises That Will Really Help You Increase Your Productivity

The secret to increasing your productivity, whilst inputting less effort is to improve your time management skills. The good time management skill depends on your mind’s setup and self-control. Thus we have outlined for you 5 mental exercises and techniques you can use to improve on both your time management and productivity skills and to increase your self-confidence.
The Pomodoro Technique
In other words Timing yourself. The Pomodoro technique will help you motivate and gain positive attitude when it comes to work. The Pomodoro Technique was a time management technique method invented over 35 years ago. It teaches you how to time and manage your tasks, and how to organize your assignments in accordance with your schedule and limits. Every time tracking software is based on that very idea of improving the time management abilities and boosting the performance of the user. This is where the time tracking with screenshots software comes in handy for productivity and performance increase of teams as a whole and as separate individuals.
Further reading: 10 Time Management Tricks You Should Know
Positive Thinking
This is a bit hard on some, but ones you get the hang of this, you will find yourself in a much better place. Making positive affirmations is a widespread self-help technique. Its main idea is for you to “reset” the way you see yourself and what goes around you, by simply repeating yourself over and over again that you are good at something and you can be even better. If you continue repeating to yourself you are good at time management, and that you can be more productive and more skilled, you will once again regain your desire to improve your abilities and to appreciate yourself more.
Further reading: Which Are The 4 Must-Have Habits That Will Help You Be More Successful?
Why do you really need to learn how to meditate? Because through meditation you can achieve relax and self-enlightenment. It will allow you to see more clearly, to go deep into your own mind and see things from a different perspective. Why is meditation needed for the betterment of your time management and productivity? It will allow you to see your flaws, to learn from your mistakes, things you cannot quite grasp when you are all tired, stressed, and shut down.
Visualize your ideas, your day. Visualize how you will do something and you will immediately find out few things you have forgotten about. The thing about the visualization method is that it help you remember the more complicated and small stuff that are a part of your tasks. This will help you better organize your time and do your tasks with fewer to no hiccups what so ever. Because sometimes even the smallest detail matters, when we need to finish something on time. Visualizing will help you see those small details.
“Today I Did/ Did Not” Achievement List
There is no better feeling than seeing your progress. You can look at this technique as keeping a diary. It will help you discipline your mind and reward yourself for scoring yet another anti-procrastination achievements. You can start with “Today I stayed in facebook for only 2 hours”, or “Today I did not eat any Junk Food”, and write down your achievements every day. One you break that cycle of productive and healthy goals, and you see that in your diary, you will definitely not feel good about it. But if you manage to keep that Achievement list growing, you will see that you are becoming better every day and achieving more and more.
What self-helping techniques and exercises do you use to improve your time management and productivity skill?
In this article: Time Management & Time Tracking Productivity & Performance Personal Development